Amazon Relay Trucking tips & tricks

Akmal Sharipov
4 min readAug 15, 2020


Disclaimer: SwiftRelay is not affiliated with Amazon. I am one of the creators of SwiftRelay Auto Booker google chrome extension and “Uchar Ketmon” game.

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Table of contents:

  1. What is Amazon Relay?
  2. How to get “hot loads”?
  3. High Speed Internet does not mean faster booking.
  4. SwiftRelay autobooker.

What is Amazon Relay?

Amazon Relay is a website containing information about merchandise that needs to be delivered between Amazon warehouses. Dispatchers spend significant time searching for a load for their drivers on Amazon relay.

There are more than 175 Amazon-owned warehouses around the USA. All of your online orders on are delivered by Amazon relay. To get a product delivered to your door in less than a day, Amazon needs to keep a product in a one-day driving distance all over the US.

Here is some more info about Amazon relay from Amazon Relay FAQ page:

Amazon Relay is a suite of technology products that enable carriers to self-register with Amazon and find, book, and execute Amazon loads. This includes capabilities to accept loads, assign drivers, access Amazon’s Relay Load Board, track performance, view and download payment details and raise issues. — source

To get more info please refer to get started page.

How to get “Hot loads”?

Amazon relay webpage contains loads 24/7. Profitable loads are booked instantly. These loads are called Hot loads. Hot loads are at least three times more profitable than regular loads.

Because there is a need to book as quickly as possible, programmers came up with Auto bookers. The primary purpose of these autobookers is to analyze the list of loads and book the most optimal load.

Autobooker automatically refreshes, analyzes the loadboard and books the most optimal load.

Most Auto bookers refresh Amazon Relay page between one to ten times per second. The faster amazon relay page is reloaded, the better is the chance to get a better load. Refreshing amazon relay webpage too fast slows down Amazon server response time. As an example, try to refresh amazon relay extremely fast and see amazon hide three percent of the hot loads. If that happens, stop refreshing and wait between five to ten minutes.

Amazon relay load board page

High Speed Internet does not mean faster booking

The difference between winning and losing a load on amazon relay is not dependent on the high-speed internet alone. One of the main factors for fast booking is lower Latency. Latency is the time it takes for the browser to load data from the internet.

Latency 1.7s

Network latency is the time it takes for data or a request to go from the source to the destination. Latency in networks is measured in milliseconds. The closer your latency is to zero, the better. — source

To see the load faster your latency should be close to zero milliseconds. You can check your latency by writing the command below on your terminal. (Here is a tutorial on how to open the terminal on Mac or Windows.)


Latency pinging

The latency is the “time” column in the screenshot above. Average time is 0.5 milliseconds

If your latency is high, you are probably losing business to someone with a lower latency. Here is the graphic representation of latency. Please pay attention that the PC on top has a lower latency.

SwiftRelay Auto Booker

SWIFTRELAY Auto Booker is a multifunctional Amazon Relay Page Refresher and Auto Booker. source

SwiftRelay Auto Booker simplifies the work of a dispatcher by automatically refreshing and booking the optimal load. SwiftRelay Autobooker, besides simply auto-refreshing, can also mimic dispatchers’ refreshing patterns.

SwiftRelay extension user interface
  1. Minimum payout
  2. Minimum per mile rate
  3. Refresh rate in milliseconds
  4. Maximum number of stops
  5. Auto book
  6. Exclude states
  7. Randomizer
  8. Mimic human operator
  9. Book time range
  10. Highlight a matching load

For more info please visit or download here

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Akmal Sharipov

Self-taught Software Engineer with 19 years of experience. AWS and node.js developer